how to set up getresponse autoresponder

10 Steps: How To Set up Getresponse Autoresponder in 5minutes

It is important to learn how to set up Getresponse autoresponder. Getresponse is one of the best autoresponder tools. If you want to learn how to use Getresponse autoresponder, This article is for you.

There is one big thing that is in the midst of you marketing your product or service either as an affiliate marketer, online marketer which is setting up your funnel. In setting up your funnel, you need to set up email automation.

In this article, I will walk you through how to set up Getresponse autoresponder.

Getresponse automation is one of the tools I recommend for setting up email automation for your funnel.

You will learn the step-by-step process that will help you understand Getresponse, the features in Getresponse, and how you can get started with automating your email marketing with Getresponse.

If you want to learn all of this, stick to this article.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder cover


What is GetResponse Autoresponder?

When it comes to looking for an email autoresponder tool, Getresponse is the first on the list with cool features especially for beginners to help automate your marketing and get better results from systems.

Right on the home page of Getresponse, it reads “Powerful, simplified to send emails, create pages, and automate your marketing”

Getresponse is a robust tool that gives access to so many features.

Some features that Getresponse has are; email marketing, autoresponder, email analytics, email creator, link management, transactional emails, conversion funnel, web push notification, website builder, live chat, landing pages, paid ad, webinars, and many more.

This setup is beyond reading through. It is a practical process on how to set up a Getresponse autoresponder. Ensure you practice along as you read through to master the steps.

How To Setup Getresponse Autoresponder

Step 1

Create an account

To start this whole setup, you need to, first of all, create an account with Getresponse. Get a Getresponse account with free 30-day access HERE.

Once you create an account, you will get access to Getresponse with a 30-day free trial. That means you have access to Getresponse for free for a whole month. Within this period, you get to test and access their features and functions for your marketing for free. Click HERE. You can as well copy this link to your browser.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder

Getresponse is quite cheap. It is one of the cheapest automation tools to use for your business. The Basic Plan which starts from $15/month and allows you to have up to 1,000 subscribers on your mailing list, The Plus Plan which gives you access to some extra features such as marketing automation, webinar, and many more starts from $49/month.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder plan

Sure you can see that Getresponse is quite cheap. There are other email automation tools that charge $25- $30 just for the first month with an email list of 1000 subscribers.

You can go ahead and make the payment monthly but as the number of your list increases, you will have to pay higher. You can pay for a year which will cost $12.3/month or $10/month when you pay for two years.

To sign up, input your name, email, and password to create a free account.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder signup

After signing up, you will have to activate your account

how to set up getresponse autoresponder activate

You will realize you have free access for 30days. After the 30days, you can start up with a subscription using any of the plans.

Step 2

Create a list.

To set up an autoresponder in Getresponse, one of the basic things Getresponse allows you to do is to have a list. So you need a list

how to set up getresponse autoresponder createlist

An autoresponder is linked to your funnel. Definitely, you have several funnels for one or more products you sell. You as well can have a different autoresponder you want to shoot to the various funnels that you have. 

You will see “list” at the top section. Click “list” then click “create list”.

Name the list and click on “create”

how to set up getresponse autoresponder

Sometimes, while creating a list on Getresponse, you might encounter some error with the name, so follow the instructions and try several names till you get it right.

You will see the list has been created with the name given.

Step 3

Once your list has been created, the next thing to do is to create an autoresponder.

You can see “autoresponder” here.


Go ahead and click “Autoresponder” in the menu option.

how to set up get response autoresponder oneauto

You will see this space that shows the autoresponder you have. It shows the Autoresponder you have according to the list.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder create auto

You can click on this option then click on the list you just created.

It is based on segmentation. You need to understand that for every autoresponder you are creating, you are creating it based on that particular list you want it to target.

Click “Create Autoresponder”.

Step 4

Give it a name, for example, “Mail1”. This is the mail they will receive once your audience signs up for your offer.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder autoname

Step 5

Once you have given it a name, you will see it underneath the “linked” list. You will have to select the list you want “Mail1” to be directed to.

Step 6

Immediately you click on the list, go to the autoresponder settings where you get to choose the day or you leave it at “0”. Leaving it at “0” means you want the email to be sent immediately after action is taken. Then click on “same time as sign up”


Step 7

The next thing is to allow when the mail is going to be sent. You choose the day you want it to be sent. If you want it to be sent every day, then you check all the days of the week and it will be sent every day.

This is the beauty of automation. It can send your mail even though you are sleeping any day anytime you wish to according to your settings.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder auto2

Step 8

Next you have to enter the “From email address” and “Reply to” email address.

“From email address” means what email sends the mail and “Reply to” is the email address that receives a response from your audience.

Step 9

Add the “Subject Name”.

You should understand what product you are selling and create copies of the email your audience should receive.

See this video to walk you through email marketing

Step 10

You need to design your email. 

Click on “Design message” then you can design your email.

how to set up getresponse autoresponder design

You have the option to choose a template. There are several templates on Getresponse you can use. 

There are also blank templates if you wish to design from scratch.

You can also use the HTML editor

See this video to complete your design

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